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Web Design
Web Design
Web Design

First impression is always engraved in your customers’ memory. People usually tend to like or dislike things at first glance. That’s why providing fun and unique online experience makes them take a liking to your brand that turns to loyalty in no time which in return increases your sales anywhere from 12 to 15 percent. 

Why Your Business is in Need of A Custom Website Design

Standing out among the competition 

Having originality when viewing your Business and products

Your website is your primary customer touch point  as it is a reflection of your Business and its digital marketing in every aspect such as your appearance, efforts, how easily you can be connected with, how responsive you are to your customers, your  unique value propositions and care value.

According to Stackla 66% of consumers have been inspired to purchase from new brand after seeing social media images from other consumers. Forbes also stated that 81% of a consumers purchasing decisions are influenced by their friends’ social media posts. Thus a professional custom website design gives you exactly what you ask for in it without any extra unnecessary features that you pay for they also weights on your website making it take forever to load which in return results in customers closing the webpage without looking in it never less purchasing any items from it. 

That’s why it is crucial to have a custom website design , so that your website doesn’t end up in such state

Custom Fit Web Design vs. Website Templates : What’s The Best for Your Business?

Nowadays marketing depends heavily on e-marketing, that’s why your website is your set stone that allows you to have a powerful communication with your clients and customers across the world by marketing your brand 24/7 without any issues. Having said that you need to choose wisely how to view your website to achieve your desired profits. You can always choose between a website template and a custom design website.

A website template is a pre designed layouts that allows developers to arrange content onto a webpage to create a simple website you can make it your own by changing limited features like logos, images, web color and font style. Even though it saves you money and time it takes away your uniqueness, flexibility, security and loading speed of the platform.

A custom design website, on the other hand may cost a little more as it stands out giving your clients and customers the memorable first impression and it gives you different style from your competitors with all the features your website needs with the chance to grow and modify in its features without needless features that slows down your platform’s loading time giving you and your customers fast loading and security assurance giving them pleasant experience worth their time.

What makes Custom Website Design and Development your brand's best choice

How your targeted audience views your business has a huge impact on whether they become your customers or not. A custom ecommerce web design eliminates any possible unnecessary functionalities and bloatware that most certainly elongates loading time

Search Engine Optimization is crucial if you want to get more traffic and conversions on your website. Without SEO, clients will not find you when browsing their search engines for your business’s products and services.

  • According to the Stackla, 70% percent of consumers say it’s important for brands to offer a personalized experience .

  • According to Kissmetrics 40% of online users abandon a website with a three second delay in page load time.
  •  HubSpot Blog Research revealed  that 53% of marketers leverage message personalization in their email marketing strategy.72% Of that percentage say it’s been one of the most effective tactics, more than subscriber segmentation, email automation, and dynamic content .

  • Research Gate stated that 90% of first impressions are related to a website’s visual appeal and navigation

A custom website design delivers all of your business’s needs through a trustworthy platform that meets your desired quality, branding and usability. Above that having SEO included expands your brand’s online search. Which in return increases customers satisfaction when they find your website easily. 

Professional Custom Web Design Solutions

Tailored Web Design Matches Your Brand

We help you in designing and maintaining your brand identity. Our company provides audience assessments, in depth analysis and business reviews to determine your website’s conversion opportunities.

We do that by identifying your goals, planning your strategy and creating custom ecommerce website design that matches your marketing strategy. Through putting custom website design into action, We have helped hundreds of clients. This is how Tamiyouz helped….. grow its business:


Year-over-Year (YoY)
Conversion Rate


Bounce Rates


Direct Queries


Total Sessions


Organic SEO Traffic


New Leads


Acquire your website’s top online potential and generate a unique experience for customers. We cover everything from sitemap and wireframe to web migration and custom website design and development. Schedule a consultation with our custom web design company today and get custom website design pricing within your financial budget.

Custom Website Design Services

WordPress Experts

Our word press experts step up the level and go far beyond templates to create a unique sophisticated website that mirrors your one of a kind branding. As our company cooperates with experienced word press specialists. If not you may endanger your website by becoming a copycat website.

Website Analysis

We develop a custom web design that caters to your target customers. We do that by collecting and analyzing your website data to create a results-driven custom ecommerce website design and increase your organic traffic. Our team performs usability analysis, evaluates the consistency and accuracy of your page content and checks your website technical implementation and various browsers.

Logo Design

It's a must to build a unique brand identity with a personalized logo embedded in your website. Our teams create three logo concepts based on your needs and requirements and lets you choose the best one that captures your brand image. We also offer logo redesign at a competitive custom website design pricing.

Video Production

Quality videos catch people's interest and attract their attention. Thus, a video presenting your product or service in use posted on your website, would make customers want to buy and interact with your brand. Our services include script writing for voiceover and visuals, curation of interview questions, motion graphic designs and videography and photography.

Content Writing

A study showed that 38% of visitors will stop engaging with a website if the content or layout is unattractive. Establish your brand and retain more site visitors with a custom-fit web design. Our content specialists create original, SEO optimized blog posts and web copies to entice visitors to read and share your content.

eCommerce Web Design

provide your customers with a unique and easy going shopping experience with a custom ecommerce web design. We leverage social proof on your website, simplify your navigations, publish high resolution images, write compelling descriptions and highlight your unique selling points (USPs). Our custom web design pricing cooperates with your needs and budget limit.

Website Hosting

Enhancing your digital branding opportunities through a custom web design pricing and package tailored to your demands. Our web hosting services ensure high reliability and uptime, site security and improved SEO and online performance. We also offer reliable customer support, unlimited bandwidth and storage, free malware removal and reasonable custom website design cost.

ADA Compliant Web Design

Being a company specialized in custom web design for customers, we create websites usable by individuals who have various disabilities or impairments. Our specialized experts ensure proper contrast ratio and consistent navigation and provide descriptive labels and feedback for errors in form fields. We also enable keyboard navigation to cater users with limited mobility.

Content Management System (CMS) Integration

By adding CMS capabilities to your custom fit web design and streamline your content development and website translation process, your content is kept flexible and we create custom ecommerce web design with reusable patterns and components. Our custom web design company leverages plugins and advanced language technologies to manage your multilingual site within your CMS easily.

Responsive Web Design

According to (Portent, 2019) website conversion rates drop by an average of 4.42% with each additional second of load time (between seconds 0-5). Customer satisfaction is enhanced by adapting your website to all devices and screen sizes. We utilize scalable vector graphics (SVGs), standardize clickable areas and buttons, place responsive images and maximize device features to boot sales.

Website Maintenance

Ease Your doubts about site updates and maintenance, as we provide you with a professional team to handle your site. Our team performs user testing and site backups, checks security updates, fixes any broken link, eliminates unnecessary form fields and makes test purchases. We offer fast and reliable technical support to keep your website secure from cyber attacks.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Increase your leads and conversions with Tamiyouz custom website design packages. Our team is composed of custom web design and development experts focused on driving high quality traffic to your website. We create compelling content, optimize your images, implement and test various calls to action (CTAs) and simplify your site's registration and checkout processes.

Custom WordPress Website Design Process

Become a Beacon for High Intent Customers With An Engaging, Clutter Free Custom Design Website

 Tamiyouz Marketing Agency has developed an intricate web design process to develop winning websites that deliver optimum results. Here is a walk through the different stages of our custom web design and development process.


Kick Off

Throughout the first consultation, our project managers categorize your targeted consumers, and outline your marketing goals, needs and demands. During this stage we determine your expectations, answer your speculations, elaborate the multiple stages to create your custom web design and provide initial custom web design pricing. By doing so we make sure that we are ready to begin the next stage of your website creation.


Strategy development stands as the set stone for the following course of action. This phase’s start point is, analyzing all the data collected during kickoff, creating proposals, developing proposed site mock ups and meeting with your project manager for approval. We aim to create a comprehensive action plan for the development stage.


This phase is crucial as it overlooks site development, content optimization and on-site SEO. We deliver all websites with all elements from logo design, color scheme to interactive site elements, as well as reflect your branding. As soon as the front-end and back-end development is completed , we set a meeting with you for a final site review and revision, if needed.


Lastly we transfer your website from a local server to the live server. To empower you with your site needs, client training is provided where your are taught how to manage the back-end of your website. As a custom website design company we provide, if wanted, ongoing site maintenance and SEO to enable you to focus on your internal processes.

Award-Winning Custom Web Design Company

Consult Us and Utilize Time, Money and Resources

Not understanding the importance of having a custom design website is one of the grave mistakes in online marketing nowadays , a mistake that most small business owners fall for.

By entrusting your custom website design and development to us you can acquire  the advantages written bellow:

  • Websites are result driven
  • Custom web guide for enterprise, franchise and multiple location business.
  • On hand custom web design cost
  •  Experienced experts in web design and development.
  • Consolidated digital marketing solutions.

  • Well versed content specialists.

We cannot deny that nowadays brand interactions and purchasing activities depend mostly on internet usage. That’s why you should always exert a lot of effort to maintain your website, customers, business partners, and profitable development. Never hesitate to call us to get your head in the game and help you maintain your robust relationships with  existing clients.

Leave your message or inquiry and we will reply to you as soon as possible
We’re always happy to contact with you.

    خبراء ووردبريس

    يرتقي خبراء الووردبرس لدينا إلى المستوى ويذهبون إلى ما هو أبعد من القوالب لإنشاء موقع ويب متطور فريد من نوعه يعكس علامتك التجارية الفريدة من نوعها، حيث أن شركتنا (تميز) تتعاون مع المتخصصين ذوي الخبرة في الووردبرس . إذا لم تنتبه فقد تعرض موقع الويب الخاص بك للخطر من خلال أن تصبح موقعًا مقلدًا.


    تحليل الموقع

    نقوم بذلك من خلال جمع بيانات موقعك الإلكتروني وتحليلها لإنشاء تصميم موقع للتجارة الإلكترونية مخصص يعتمد على النتائج وزيادة حركة المرور الأصلية ، حيث يقوم فريقنا بإجراء تحليل قابلية الاستخدام، وتقييم اتساق محتوى صفحتك ودقته، والتحقق من التنفيذ الفني لموقع الويب الخاص بك و المتصفحات المختلفة.

    تصميم شعار

    من الضروري بناء هوية علامة تجارية فريدة مع شعار مخصص مضمن في موقع الويب الخاص بك، حيث تُنشئ فرقنا ثلاثة أمثلة للشعار بناءً على احتياجاتك ومتطلباتك وتتيح لك اختيار أفضل مثال يلتقط صورة علامتك التجارية، كما نقدم أيضًا إعادة تصميم الشعار بأسعار تنافسية .

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